GSO Test

Our Vision, Values and Aims

Portesbery 2023-2028

Governors have spent some months reflecting carefully on Ofsted feedback, staff comments, the financial landscape and the implications of school expansion.

We believe that the school’s vision remains sound with just minor adjustment needed to reflect what we’ve learned, what we know parents will always want, and to make it as relevant to staff as to students.

Governors, SLT and Ofsted think our last school improvement plan has carried us a very long way and it is now time to consolidate, embed and evaluate the impact of what has been achieved.  

Our staff and resources are stretched and likely to remain so; we need to do fewer things but choose, do and evaluate them more carefully. The new strategic priorities set out below should define what goes into the plan and staff objectives as well as shape the way we work.

Nic Pretty (our Vice Chair) and I had a discussion with Nathan, SLT and other staff about our first draft as part of the SDP review. We debated the relative merits of various words in the vision statement and whether we should have a child-friendly version of the values. On balance, we thought it would be a shame to lose the very specific meaning behind the words but have added (in square brackets) child-friendly versions that could be used with students. 

Kind Regards,

Chris Hamilton
Chair of Governors

Our Vision is:
a safe and happy school, where everyone matters, every voice is heard and everyone learns'.


Our Values are:

Inclusivity [kindness]

Valuing, respecting and responding to the uniqueness and individuality of everyone, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or differences, ensuring that they feel valued and included within the school community.

Empathy [understanding]

Encouraging students, teachers, and staff to understand and share in the experiences, feelings, and perspectives of others, creating a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels heard and understood.


Collaboration [working together]

Promoting collaboration fosters a sense of belonging and teamwork within the school. Encouraging students, teachers, and staff to work together and value each other's contributions helps create an inclusive learning environment where everyone can learn from one another.

These values will guide our decision-making, shape our culture, and create a positive and inclusive learning environment for our students and staff in alignment with the school's vision.


Our Aims are:

Click on the each of the four aims for more details.

Communication Symbol

Skills for communication


Promoting independence

Life Skills

Developing essential life skills and making choices


Learning in the community - the community learning from us


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