Pupils who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are considered for admission between the ages of 3-19 years, up to the allocated number of 142 places.
In some cases the school accepts pupils on assessment places and the school will contribute to the statutory assessment procedures, however prospective parents and children usually need to go through an admissions panel which are led by: Surrey County Council, NW Local Education Area. The school also accepts applicants based in other Local Authorities. Parents wanting a place should always contact their case officer in the first instance. Places are allocated according to greatest need.
Enquiries can be made by telephoning the LSPA on 0300 200 1015, where your call will be directed to the appropriate teams.
For general advice on Admissions for students with EHCPs please visit the Surrey County Council website using the link below:
SCC Admissions guidance for children with an EHCP
Portesbery School welcomes all new children and their families.
We wish to ensure that:
- Parents/carers are happy with the choice of placement
- The children’s introduction to school is positive
- The school feels confident in its capacity to meet the child’s needs.
Pupils will be admitted:
a) If they have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or a Statutory Assessment is under way and they have been referred to the school by their Local Authority.
b) If the school feels it is able to meet the child’s needs academically, socially and medically.
c) If the child’s special educational needs fall within the following spectrums:-
- Cognitive difficulties that may be severe or profound
- Social communication and interaction difficulties that impact on their ability to access a curriculum
- Complex medical needs, provided the safety of the child can be ensured
The school does not cater for children whose intelligence lies within the “average” range and whose primary need is their emotional and behavioural difficulties.
d) With due regard to our legal responsibilities, the SEN Code of Practice, data protection and the constraints set out by the Local Authority (e.g. Admissions Criteria and County Transport Policy).
e) After due consideration of the referral papers by the head teacher, senior teachers and, where appropriate, teaching staff and governors and if there are places available within the agreed place number or physical capacity set by the Local Authority.
The admission process will:
- be clearly outlined to prospective parents/carers which may include making opportunities for parents/carers to visit to help them make an informed decision
- be handled as sensitively as possible taking into account both the needs of the pupil and their family
- enable a member of Portesbery staff to visit the child in the current setting to ensure suitability of placement and to establish links in order to achieve a successful handover of information
- begin to establish the partnership with parents/carers and clarify expectations
- facilitate the exchange of information and ideas between home and school through home visits and pre-admission meetings
- enable parents/carers to become confident partners in their child’s education
- be sensitive to the needs of other pupils in the class and the resources available
- include close liaison with other schools, nurseries and playgroups where appropriate
- include liaison with the external agencies involved with the pupil as appropriate (e.g. SALT, EP, Social Care, OT, Portage, Outreach)
Admission Procedures
Prior to placement being confirmed (Stage 1)
Parents/carers are encouraged to make an informal visit to the school. This may often be suggested by the Case Officer, Educational Psychologist, Nursery provider or the current school. It is intended to provide the parents/carers with the necessary information required to make an informed choice regarding their child’s placement. Parents/carers may visit the school with or without their child. They may wish to be accompanied by a key professional or a friend.
Parents/carers may wish to indicate that they would like their child to be considered for a placement at Portesbery. This may also happen through the Annual Review process, a TAC, EHCP meeting or be a direct request through their child’s LA case worker.
The LA will make a formal request for a placement and papers are sent for a decision/view on a referral to Portesbery. After consideration of the papers and in consultation with appropriate staff, the school will either;
Agrees the place is appropriate and confirms an offer to the Local Authority
Notifies the Local Authority that they feel unable to meet the pupil’s needs with clear reasons for this action
Say yes “in principle” but states that a place is currently unavailable at that time.
Following Confirmation of Placement (Stage 2)
Portesbery and the child’s current nursery/school setting will establish a liaison programme. This may include meetings and reciprocal staff visits. The purpose is to share appropriate information about the child and work towards a smooth transition. It will be needs led on an individual basis.
In all cases, all possible effort will be made to complete a home visit prior to a pupil starting.
Once the Child has Started School (Stage 3)
A baseline assessment will be carried out within the first half term or part time equivalent. If a child is at a split placement this will be done in conjunction with both settings where possible and where appropriate.
Targets are formed as a direct result of the baseline assessments and in accordance with other advice or paperwork that may accompany the child (EHCP, Portage targets)
Opportunities for close liaison between home and school will be maintained via the Home/School Book. On some occasions, further home visits may be appropriate. Liaison between home/school may also be via telephone, email or by making a time to meet with school staff and parents/carers in school.
Each term there will be a Parents Evening to enable parents/carers and teachers to meet and discuss the child’s progress. Once a term there will be an opportunity for parents to come in and spend time in their child’s class as part of an organised activity.
An Annual Review is held within 12 months of the EHCP being issued and thereafter annually or bi-annually for children in the EYFS.
School Performance Tables
Links to the government performance tables can be found below: